We are requesting that everybody that loves Baggy Point objects to the North Devon District Council (NDDC) Outline Planning Application No 52032 to Demolition the Existing Victorian Guest House at Atlantis Lodge, Croyde Bay, EX33 1PA and Construct a Hotel, Restaurant, Bar and Spa.
You can view the plans and make your comment online at: http://planning.northdevon.gov.uk/detail.asp?AltRef=52032&ApplicationNumber=52032&AddressPrefix=&Postcode=&CaseOfficer=&ParishName=&AreaTeam=&WardMember=&DateReceivedStart=&DateReceivedEnd=&DateDecidedStart=&DateDecidedEnd=&Locality=&AgentName=&ApplicantName=&ShowDecided=&DecisionLevel=&Sort1=FullAddressPrefix&Sort2=DateReceived+DESC or write into the council at The Planning Manager, Civic Centre, Barnstaple, Devon, EX31 1EA
We implore you to do this before 10th June 2011, which is the closing date for public comments, as we belief this proposal will be a monstrosity that will be a major blot on the landscape in this Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and prevent the general public from viewing the sea or beach whilst walking up this section of the South West Coastal Path. It will also be present visual impairment within the ANOB from any position within Croyde Bay. As far as Baggy Lodge is concerned (our original place which we will move back to next year) it will block nearly all of the views to the sea beach and the bay.
The proposed build is several times the foot print and volume of existing structure which can only be considered as a new facility for tourism which is strictly forbidden within the Local Area Plan.
The traffic generated by the proposal will turn this quaint hamlet into a busy traffic jam deterring walkers from using this section of the South West Coastal Path. Furthermore, the proposal only makes provision for the parking of a limited number of standard size cars and none for larger 4x4 vehicles. As there is no other local parking through the quiet hours and this is bound to generate a vast amount of inappropriate and unsafe parking on private land and the access road to the Baggy Point properties. General access to the local properties will also be severely hindered by the queue of cars wishing to park at the hotel and awaiting access to the single lift and canter-lever parking arrangement proposed blocking the narrow single lane private access road. There are no passing points on this road within 100 meters of the access to the proposed development.
Croyde prides itself on being a charming Devon Village with a established holidaying and surf beach. This proposal does not fit into this character and will attract a new type of visitor form the wealthier section of the populous, who are unlikely to use the established local businesses. Staff for this type of hotel is traditional source from overseas personnel and is unlikely to help local employment.
We implore you to insist that the NDDC Planning Committee refuse this outline planning application and encourage the applicant to propose a more sympathetic use of this property in keeping with the established Character of Croyde and the surrounding area.